

A few terms that I may use in my posts. I will not be defining rule terms here.

Light Turret: Gun Battery, Rocket Launcher, Aetheric Lance, ect.

Turret: Heavy Gun Battery, Heavy Rocket Launcher, Particle Beamer, ect. Generators also use these slots if a ship can switch for them.

Fleet Carrier: Heavy flagship carriers. Tend to start at 10 SRS Capacity, have significantly less Battle Ready hull than Crippled (7/9, ect.), and usually only have 2 main weapons or less in the front arc. There’s a bit of a cheesy strategy of parking one of these behind an island and then full reversing to have a fairly invincible 30 dice shot each turn, which is somewhat feel bad to play against if not prepared for.

Battle Carrier: Lighter flagship carriers. Tend to cap at 6 srs capacity, the battle ready/crippled hull split is closer than fleet carriers or even (8/8), and may even have a full complement of turrets.

Battleship: Tend to be the tougher combat flagships of a faction. Characterized by Armor 8 and high citadel for the faction, as well as 3 turrets.

Battlecruiser: The lighter combat flagships of a faction. Usually Armor 7 and generally less armament than battleships.


These are the basic concepts that I think about when evaluating units. There’s going to be overlap, and many units can excel at multiple roles. If multirole, I will try to list in order of preference.

Brawler: Basic drive at the enemy and engage ships. At least of average toughness for their class, and usually with armaments focused on closing or point blank engagements in the front and side arcs. This tends to be your battleships, standard and heavy cruisers, and point blank armed frigates.

Skirmisher: Faster harrying options staying more towards the edges of the engagement. Usually something that can engage at long and closing range, maybe with a bit of a higher speed than average for its class. Battlecruisers/carriers, fast cruisers, and many frigates go here.

Support: If it were up to the support ship, they wouldn’t even see the enemy. Fleet carriers and most buff-only ships go here.

Objective Holder: Usually, these are your cheaper cruisers or frigates that can rush off to an objective or sit on it depending on what you need. Brawler Objective Holders lean towards taking objectives from your opponent, Skirmisher Objective Holders are more for rushing towards unclaimed objectives.

Assassin: Close ranged, hits hard, but can’t take a hit. Most colossi go here.

Sniper: (Long) Ranged fire support. Artillery or missile ships usually.


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