

Welcome to my blog, where I will be screaming various thoughts into the void. At the moment that is mainly Dystopian Wars.

I’ve been in the hobby since shortly before the 3rd Edition Necron Codex came out (checks notes 2002?! oh god I’m old). Summer 2022 a friend and I were discussing new games to try out, and he suggested Dystopian Wars. Taking a quick look, I saw free online rules and the amazing french levant models, and decided to give it a shot.

My current painted fleets as of February 2023 are French Levant, Enlightened, Crown Canadian and Rotors, Imperium, and Commonwealth, with a Union fleet in the making. In retrospect, I may have overdone it a bit.

The main reason for putting this together is the lack of written content for Dystopian Wars. Video content is great for modeling or painting tutorials, but anything else is better covered by text, in my opinion. Also, many questions come up repeatedly from new players on the discord, so I like the idea of having a ready link to share.

As you can see, I’ve been playing for less than a year, so take any advice I give with a heap of salt. Life being what it is, I don’t get nearly as many games in as I’d like, so my analysis is going to be mostly theorycrafting. Dunning-Kruger is probably in full effect.

I intend to put together starting out guides, faction overviews/analysis articles, some posts on any hobby work I do (including kitbashes and scratchbuilds), and maybe some battle reports. The main focus will be on the factions I’m interested in, which is Enlightened, Union, French Levant, and Crown Canadians.

A note on Ads: I encourage everyone to use an Adblocker. I personally run uBlock Origin on Firefox.


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