
Showing posts from March, 2025

Armoured Clash: Basic Statistics

So I’ve been meaning to start writing stuff about Armoured Clash now that I’ve had a game to see how things tick, but I figured I’d get this out to have a baseline for discussion and to give an idea for how much you can expect out of a unit. Most of the background text here is copied from my Dystopian Wars Basic Statistics post. Pure damage output is less important in Armoured Clash than in Dystopian Wars, from what I’ve seen so far. The lack of defences, infinite exploding dice, and sustained makes these calculations significantly easier and straightforward too. Output on average is lower as well due to the lack of infinitely exploding dice, though defenses are lower as well. Result Multipliers Neutral: 0.889 Improved: 1 Weakened: 0.778 Neutral against Durable: 0.667 Neutral with Arc: 1 Neutral with Give Em Hell (Strikes count as 2): 1.333 Weakened with Give Em Hell (Strikes count as 2): 1.167 These are multipliers on the expected successes per dice. These are not multipliable with ...