
Showing posts from October, 2023

Egyptian Overview

Egyptians look to be a fairly standard naval force, with solid defensive stats, below average speed, and skimming to spice things up. While most ships are focused on the front arc at Closing Range, there’s quite a bit of range variety to add to the challenge, and some side arc focus with the destroyers. Abydos Battlefleet by Warcradle Studios General Overview Elite Subfaction Tough, well armed Cruisers Fast Glass Cannon Destroyers Specialized Flagships Differences in weapon ranges and arcs could be a challenge for some options. What’s interesting is that Egyptians seem to be a fairly complete force. Subfactions are often missing some essential components to making a balanced list, but I’m not really seeing that here. Their weakest aspect is probably point blank brawling, but even that has viable options. I hope they’ll get even further fleshed out with a support sprue and another flagship or two at some point, but what we got is already very good.   Flags...