Starting Out: Enlightened

So you’ve decided to join up in the pursuit of science, progress, and turning whales into research assistants. Below I’ll be doing a quick overview of the strengths and weaknesses of the faction, followed by going through the various options available for starting with the Enlightened. I’m going to be suggesting what I think is a strong 1000 point list with the contents of the box. I don’t believe in dumbing down anything for new players, but I’ll list how complex I think it is, from a new player’s perspective and ease of understanding. Enlightened to tend to be on the complicated end overall though. I’ll try to keep things simple, but no promises. This was written for the 3.03 Orbat, and updated for 3.04. Lists have not been updated, though point costs have stayed relatively close, so there shouldn’t be any huge issues. Overview Shooting: Enlightened have some of the strongest ranged weapons in the game. The Particle Beamer has you covered for pretty much everything, and o...